
Showing posts from June, 2024

Humanitarian-Political Takeaways from and for Brussels VIII Conference 2024 for Syria

  1- First of all, the Syria's Brussels eighth conference catching phenomenon for me was the show of some panelists of wealthy Syrian NGOs crying for Syrian children soliciting donors' mony while supporting (at least implicitly) the authority that made them suffer. Some watchers and analysts refer to various kinds of profit-sharing between them.  This reality has enabled me to make a contribution to the political science by recognizing a political phenomenon and suggesting a name and a definition for it. The "Humanitarian-Political Prostitution" is the state of a 'humanitarian' actor with covert or candid political bias that is advocating and fundraising for a humanitarian issue while it supports the very actors and/or factors that brought this issue about.  2- Syrian Religious and churches' subsidiary humanitarian organizations can really go bare of ethics they claim to have in their practices and work in Syria. 3- It is widely believed in Syr...

Conventional Israel and The Changing Middle East: Strategic and Security Challenges

Through my attentive watch of the political and strategic developments in the Middle East, I can profoundly suggest that Israel's foremost problem belongs to the Israeli mentality and its conventional persistent perspective. By which, Palestinians are considered the essential source of threats and dangers that threaten Israel's existence and wellbeing. Then, this belief is directing almost all Israeli strategies and policies, which obviously have been resulting a consecutive series of failures and shortcomings at the domestic and regional levels in strategic and security terms.  For the governing establishment of Israel, coexistence with Palestinians is an existential myth and impossible end despite that Oslo agreement and consequent cooperation with the Palestinian Authority refuted this belief.  Furthermore, the recent developments in the Middle East since the Obama nuclear deal with Iran along with Obama's policies that empowered Iran and its regional 're...