
Showing posts with the label Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Press Release: New Book by Nassim Yaziji

Change and Democracy in the Middle East: Middle Eastern Researcher Defends the New Middle East Aleppo ― March 25, 2009 ― In one basic center of the old Middle East, Nassim Yaziji the Syrian researcher specialized in international relations and the Middle East defends and advocates, through a new book, the new Middle East with an empirical, realistic and modern perspective, originated in and from the Middle East itself. His research on the Middle East and international Middle East policies has contributed to producing a significant and unique book. Mr. Yaziji's second book " In Defense of the New Middle East: A Neo-Internationalist Perspective " has been published, advocating the new Middle East as a domestic and international necessity through the due change and democracy, and explaining this change through the Middle East's key realities and political developments the book analyzes. This 264-page book includes more than 100 articles classified into several themes...

Unpoliticizing the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

When the resolution 1757 was adopted by the United Nations Security Council adopting the establishing of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to try those found responsible for several attacks and political assassinations of pro-independence and democracy activists in Lebanon, we celebrated the resolution as a turning point for the Middle East that it would be for the first time in the Middle East's history an international accountability for political and against-humanity crimes. A history that knows plenty of such crimes in a region has an international reputation of such violations and brutality, especially while this region is still serving as the authoritarianism's haven even after the dismantling of the Soviet Union and its brutal totalitarian system. Therefore, eventually, this would be a breach of the impunity norm and tradition for those who kill people in the Middle East in the political and ruling context. Given the long history of the leading international powers in pro...

Special Tribunal for Lebanon Recruiting and Bellemare Ready in December

Some good news on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon has been coming that it has begun recruiting announcing many vacancies on its official website . The vacancies are: - Chief of Information Technology Support Section - Senior Computer Systems Technician - Senior Desktop Services Technician - Chief, Security and Safety Section - Chief of Investigations - Senior Investigator - Strategic Analyst/Coordinator - Senior Investigator (Head of Evidence and Information Management) - Senior Legal Officer - Supervisor, Staff Administration Unit - Chief, Public Affairs and Outreach Section - Human Source Coordinator - Head, Beirut Office - Chief of Prosecution - Senior Trial Counsel - Deputy Chief, Security and Safety Section - Detention Officer x 3 - Senior Political Affairs Officer - Press Officer - Chief of Procurement - Security Officer - Finance Assistant - Administrative Assistant - Facilities Management Technician - Facilities Management Assistant For more information see STFL's official...