
Showing posts with the label Syria Uprising

The Internationalism of the Syrian Crisis: The Context and Exercise of the Regime's Interim Victory

The 'internationalism' keeps being demonstrated as an empirical fact in the international field where the Westphalian 'border' of sovereignty of nation-state is actually porous to international inputs and even determinant kind of international 'interference'. In fact, the international input including all kinds of practices and policies is of vital importance and impact in shaping the outcome of domestic-deemed issues regardless of their international ramifications and dimensions. The sovereignty is not a barrier between the domestic and international realms in reality. 'interference' is a term made to maintain the interests of the most powerful actors, and is actually a natural kind of interaction when it is not protected by adequate power. This is actually a reality rather than a theory or ideology. The ideology is what I invented and became a Keen proponent of it that is 'Neo-Internationalism' where the international natural input

Syrian Opposition's Misconduct Saga: The Political Vandalization of Civil Activism By Madaniya

The new Syrian political/civil platform called Madaniya is a further and even advanced misstep to be added to the continuous series of mistakes by the Syrian opposition, so-called Syrian opposition or agent Syrian opposition. Apart from the entire absence of transparency and democratic mechanisms in governance, which usually leads to corruption and mercenariness, that characterize the vast majority of the Syrian opposition's institutions and entities, Madaniya is making a fatal precedent.  Madaniya is a political entity or an entity with political goals, as stated in its official documents, with a structure and shape of an umbrella for pre-set Syrian civil society organizations. Even though its official literature and rhetoric is causing a lot of confusion about the type and job of this ambiguous institution, the unfortunate and deliberate mix between the civil and political domains can only achieve one end that is to vandalize the both of them, especially the civil do

Arab League Jeddah Summit: Normalizing to 'Business as Usual'

With the comeback of the Syrian regime to the Arab Autocratic/Authoritarian League, the system of this regional institution has been restored to the normal operation condition. This is per se constitutes an achievement for the Arab mutual cooperation and for this institution, which has not any democratic member among 22 member states of the Arab League. This significant long-awaited breakthrough achievement finally restores the status of the Arab system to 'business as usual'. For the whining activists about tremendous atrocities, destruction and humanitarian catastrophe in Syria, they should answer a very simple question. Why around a million killed Syrians and more than 10 millions of Syrian displaced and refugees and undefined number of disappeared, tortured and raped Syrians besides a continued humanitarian disaster should affect the Arab regimes' 'business as usual' and the Arab League's normal condition? What is the relation or the connection

Arab Normalization with Syrian Regime: A Victory for Iran or Loss for Arabs?

A meme putting the Iranian president in the seat of Syria at the Arab League.  One hard thing for political analysts and researchers when they find difficulty in understanding or analyzing some political development or course of action. A lot of ink has been spilled lately by political analysts and commentators trying to explain the unexpected and inexplicable decision of the Arab League to re-admit the Syrian regime after 12 years of suspension because of the atrocities committed by this regime against the Syrian people among other causes according to the suspension decision along with a started Arab normalization course with the Syrian regime. I am trying to explain this decision by spelling major reasonable causes and eventually derive the strategic significance of this political development.  - First thing to do here is to ask about what has changed in the context of the Syrian crisis and the suspension decision. The answer is nothing except for the military victory of

Iran's Acknowledged Presence in Syria: From Permeation to Imposition

Iran made a significant statement about its presence in Syria that has been almost overlooked by the media and analysts. Its significance wasn't highlighted despite it can be considered as a key development in this regard.   In general, we got used to the Iranian threatening rhetoric of retaliation after been hit by usually Israeli and occasionally US air strikes, but this is the first time Iran acknowledges its military 'bases' and their existence in Syria. The Iranian security spokesman was clear in using the term 'bases' in his threatening statement. This is an Iranian precedent to my knowledge. Iran usually talks about its advisors in Syria who assist the Syrian 'legitimate government' in its 'war against terrorism' and never indicated its possession of military bases or 'Iranian-linked' military bases throughout the entire duration of the war in Syria.   In my opinion, this is definitely not a statement to neglect or miss. Iran is delib

Syria, Under 12-Year Rubble!

 In solidarity and companionship with our sisters and brothers who have been let and abandoned under rubble in northen and north western Syria, and to remind the heinous world we are living in that we, the Syrians, who have been abandoned under rubble for about a 12 years, are not dead yet and still have voices to scream and claim, I am launching an initiative calling on my fellow Syrians to sign all their letters and statements with the phrase "Syria, Under Rubble" before their names. In this initiative, we are seeking neither acknowledgment nor assistance, but rather we are condemning the world powers' policies, and standing up for our dignity and freedom as have previously done and will always do.  Syria, Under Rubble,  Nassim Yaziji 

Syria Earthquake and its Political Seismic Reflection

  As the dust clears from the scene of not just the one month earthquake, but most importantly of our 12-year persistent earthquake in Syria, the political earthquake should start soon by the always-abandoned Syrian people.  Our desolation should serve as the seismic power for our prospective earthquake, which should shake the heinous world we are living in to attain our salvation. Our sisters and brothers who have been let under rubble for 5 days in Idlib and the countryside of Aleppo in the aftermath of February 6 earthquake while the world is watching the #White_Helmets digging the rubble almost with their bare hands to save a life, has opened the great wound of being, as a Syrian people, under rubble for about a 12 years.  What happened in these 5 days only proves and affirms what happened and found out through that 12 years that we are a people with no friends including Turkey and its mercenaries in the illegitimate political and executive institutions and the so-called "nati