
Showing posts with the label freedom

رسالة من مواطن سوري محرر حديثا إلى سلطة سوريا الحرة

رسالة من مواطن سوري محرر حديثا إلى: قائد العمليات العسكرية أحمد الشرع غرفة عمليات ردع العدوان حكومة الإنقاذ السورية  إ دارة الشؤون السياسية كل من يهمه الأمر السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، علينا اليوم أن ننتفض بوجه أي عملية تزوير أو تمييع سياسي للحدث السوري العظيم والواقع السياسي الناتج عنه، وذلك دفاعا عن حريتنا ومصلحة سوريا الحرة وطننا. لذلك نوضح للجميع داخل وخارج سوريا أن ما حدث تحديدا هو: 'إنتصار الثورة السورية عسكريا على النظام الحاكم الإرهابي بواسطة الثوار المجاهدين في غرفة عمليات ردع العدوان'. وبالتالي، يصبح القرار الدولي ٢٢٥٤ غير ذي صلة بسبب زوال النظام الحاكم، "الحكومة السورية" في القرار المذكور. وعليه، يتوجب على الأمم المتحدة و'المجتمع الدولي' حل الإئتلاف وتوابعه وهيئة التفاوض فورا لإنتفاء الصفة والوظيفة، حيث يفترض بالواقع والمنطق والفطرة السياسية السليمة والطبيعية أن تستلم السلطة السياسية في سوريا، وتتحمل مسؤوليتها أمام الشعب السوري والمجتمع الدولي، الجهة التي قامت بتحرير البلد للفترة التي اصطلح على كونها إنتقالية حتى إجراء إنتخابات...

Syrian Opposition's Misconduct Saga: The Political Vandalization of Civil Activism By Madaniya

The new Syrian political/civil platform called Madaniya is a further and even advanced misstep to be added to the continuous series of mistakes by the Syrian opposition, so-called Syrian opposition or agent Syrian opposition. Apart from the entire absence of transparency and democratic mechanisms in governance, which usually leads to corruption and mercenariness, that characterize the vast majority of the Syrian opposition's institutions and entities, Madaniya is making a fatal precedent.  Madaniya is a political entity or an entity with political goals, as stated in its official documents, with a structure and shape of an umbrella for pre-set Syrian civil society organizations. Even though its official literature and rhetoric is causing a lot of confusion about the type and job of this ambiguous institution, the unfortunate and deliberate mix between the civil and political domains can only achieve one end that is to vandalize the both of them, especially the civil do...

Israel Spring and Middle East's Order: The geopolitics of Democracy and Peace

Islamic Jihad's only success was cancelling the week 19 Tel Aviv pro-democracy demonstrations. Just add democracy before the resistance axis and you will discover the real war in the Middle East. Seemingly, democracy has to win here to prevail in the Middle East. Only democracy and dignity will achieve peace in the region, which is one region and will always be. So, it is one war with multiple battles. The war for democracy and freedom is pertaining to human dignity, so it can never be sectarian, ethnic or divisive. Rather, it is unifying, pluralistic, philanthropic and pacifying struggle. So, let us unify and pacify our Middle East with democracy, freedom and human rights, and let us start from a real democratic Israel.  Here are my explanatory comments: - Abolishing the judiciary's independence in Israel will put it under government's authority and eventually will turn it into a part of the executive authority, and this will definitely destroy Isra...

Syria, Under 12-Year Rubble!

 In solidarity and companionship with our sisters and brothers who have been let and abandoned under rubble in northen and north western Syria, and to remind the heinous world we are living in that we, the Syrians, who have been abandoned under rubble for about a 12 years, are not dead yet and still have voices to scream and claim, I am launching an initiative calling on my fellow Syrians to sign all their letters and statements with the phrase "Syria, Under Rubble" before their names. In this initiative, we are seeking neither acknowledgment nor assistance, but rather we are condemning the world powers' policies, and standing up for our dignity and freedom as have previously done and will always do.  Syria, Under Rubble,  Nassim Yaziji 

Syria in Reality: Iran's Power and Israel's Policy

  Israel army chief has made a statement about his country's achievements in preventing "Hizbollah 2" project in Syria. Apart from the motives behind this misleading or self-deluded statement, there are key facts should be stated and clarified concerning Iran, Israel and Syria's war and crisis.  - Iran is the most powerful actor in the regime-held part of Syria in terms of military and economic resources and associated parties. Territories deemed vital for Iran in there are under direct and explicit control of Iran, especially the region that extends from Qalamoon to Deir ezzor.   - Iran invested in a complex infrastructure in Syria consisting of military forces, paramilitary militias, economic networks, military and security personnel, and religious and social institutions. - Iran is working to strengthen its on-ground presence in SDF-held region and even in factions and Turkish-controlled areas. - Iran has a real presence and influence in the southern Syria neighb...

Press Release: New Book by Nassim Yaziji

Change and Democracy in the Middle East: Middle Eastern Researcher Defends the New Middle East Aleppo ― March 25, 2009 ― In one basic center of the old Middle East, Nassim Yaziji the Syrian researcher specialized in international relations and the Middle East defends and advocates, through a new book, the new Middle East with an empirical, realistic and modern perspective, originated in and from the Middle East itself. His research on the Middle East and international Middle East policies has contributed to producing a significant and unique book. Mr. Yaziji's second book " In Defense of the New Middle East: A Neo-Internationalist Perspective " has been published, advocating the new Middle East as a domestic and international necessity through the due change and democracy, and explaining this change through the Middle East's key realities and political developments the book analyzes. This 264-page book includes more than 100 articles classified into several themes...

Censorship: Aggression against Civilization

To understand the censorship system, we should understand the totalitarian and authoritarian systems, and the essential association between the censorship system and non-democratic systems. In the authoritarian system, the authority represented by the ruling regime cannot be contested (including its opinions) even at the intellectual and theoretical levels, and here is the rule of censorship. The totalitarian system, the most dangerous and brutal of all governing systems, there, definitely, is one ideology serving as the base for every single part the state's structure that is imposed on the society, including a total system of values. There should be one rhetoric and one truth are represented by the de facto ruling regime, mostly the dictator. Therefore, the censorship here is an indispensable means for the regime, which excludes, and sometimes executes, any other views or discourse on politics, economics, society and even culture. Some main examples of the totalitarian system are...

The Right to Online Freedom

Internet now is an essential source for information, and indispensable means for communication. It is well known that there is increasing international wave of people who indispensably depend on Internet with their affairs. The story goes, few days ago, when I was surfing the net and I found out that our internet censorship geniuses have developed the blocking technology. So, my unblocking technology is not working anymore, and I have to use another technology (cgi proxy) which encrypt the address of the blocked page. With hundreds of blocked websites range from news sites to cultural, political and even academic sites in addition to blogs, you have no choice but to unblock them. This is the case of many countries but, in particular, this is the case of the Middle East region ― most of its countries. It is really funny and ridiculous that regimes and governments armed to their teeth in front of armless peoples are fearful of information and clearly and publicly fear the word. Is the wo...

Syria's Lost Independence: The Totalitarian Occupation

After the Syria's independence became an occupation imposing a totalitarian tyranny on Syria and Syrian people, our civilization was destroyed; citizens became refugees in their homeland; the state became a ranch owned by an oligarchy, which is a bunch of rural thugs, thieves and hit men, all thanks to the revolution's accomplishments of al-Baath terrorist group. Many brave Syrians, like Aref Dalila, Anwar al-Bunni, Kamal Labawani, Riad Seif and many others, are struggling for Syria's democratic independence and Syrians' rights and freedoms.This is a tribute to all those heroes on our lost independence's anniversary. We, Syrians, totally appreciate their struggle and we are so proud of them, and we believe that we will regain our democratic independence. Syria: Opposition Activists Tell of Beatings in Interrogation Authorities Should Release All 12, and Investigate Allegations of Physical Abuse Human Rights Watch (New York, February 5, 2008) – The Syrian government ...

Operation Iraqi Freedom and the New Middle East

In honor of this occasion, when the wind of change began blowing in the Middle East and when the long aspiration for freedom and dignity started its path into reality despite all huge sacrifices and costs in Iraq, I am reposting excerpts from my previous article, " Iraq Victory: Middle East Salvation, International necessity" , which tries to change the approach of perceiving the Operation Iraqi Freedom through a realistic perspective based on international and regional facts and goals. IRAQ VICTORY: MIDDLE EAST SALVATION, INTERNATIONAL NECESSITY By Nassim Yaziji The U.S. will not abandon Iraq. To me, it means that the U.S. will not abandon the Middle East. Abandoning Iraq means abandoning the new Middle East, a moderate, stable, civilized, modern and prosperous Middle East, and the nascent Middle East democratization movement, for Iranian regime's Islamic Middle East dominated by the Middle East totalitarian axis consisting of Syria's Baath, Hezbullah, Hamas and led ...

Freedom in the World 2008: Global Freedom in Retreat

Freedom in the World 2008: Global Freedom in Retreat Freedom House January 16, 2008 The year 2007 was marked by a notable setback for global freedom, Freedom House reported in a worldwide survey of freedom released today. The decline in freedom, as reported in Freedom in the World 2008 , an annual survey of political rights and civil liberties worldwide, was reflected in reversals in one-fifth of the world’s countries. Most pronounced in South Asia, it also reached significant levels in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. A substantial number of politically important countries whose declines have broad regional and global implications—including Russia, Pakistan, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, and Venezuela—were affected. Complete survey results reflect global events during 2007. A package of charts and graphs and an explanatory essay are available online. “This year’s results show a profoundly disturbing deterioration of freedom worldwide,” said...

Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007

Dashed hopes in Egypt, Morocco and Jordan - countries held up as examples Eritrea ranked last for first time while G8 members, except Russia, recover lost ground Reporters Without Borders Eritrea has replaced North Korea in last place in an index measuring the level of press freedom in 169 countries throughout the world that is published today by Reporters Without Borders for the sixth year running. “There is nothing surprising about this,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Even if we are not aware of all the press freedom violations in North Korea and Turkmenistan, which are second and third from last, Eritrea deserves to be at the bottom. The privately-owned press has been banished by the authoritarian President Issaias Afeworki and the few journalists who dare to criticise the regime are thrown in prison. We know that four of them have died in detention and we have every reason to fear that others will suffer the same fate.” Outside Europe - in which the top 14 countries are located ...

Baath's Crackdown on Syrian Dissent and Bush Statement

Syria: More Activists Arrested Following Opposition Meeting Human Rights Watch The Syrian government claims that it wants to engage with the outside world, but its only engagement with peaceful critics inside the country is with the boot of repression. Calling for democratic and peaceful change should not be treated as a criminal offense. Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch (Washington, DC, December 17, 2007) – Syria should immediately and unconditionally release Dr. Ahmad Tohme, Jabr al-Shoufi, Akram al-Bunni, Dr. Fida’ al-Hurani, and `Ali al-Abdallah from detention, Human Rights Watch said today. Authorities detained the five political activists following a meeting of opposition groups in Damascus last week. State Security officers arrested the five as part of a countrywide crackdown that began on December 9 against people attending the National Council of the Damascus Declaration for Democratic Change, a December 1 gathering of numerous opposition groups a...

Save Syrian People from Brutal Totalitarianism

Syrian Oppositionists Call for International Action June 6, 2007 Recently, the Syrian regime has been escalating its persecution of political dissidents. This escalation is reflected in the large number of prison sentences being issued by the High State Security Court to prominent oppositionists, among whom are Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, a human rights activist, who received a 12-year prison sentence for harming state security; Anwar Al-Bouni, human rights activists and attorney, who was sentenced to five years in prison for "harming national morale"; and Michel Kilo, activist for the Committees for the Revival of Civil Society and director of the Hurriyat Center for Freedom of the Press and Journalists in Syria, and Mahmoud 'Issa, political activist, who had been imprisoned from 1992 to 2000 for membership in the Communist Labor Party, both of whom received a three-year prison sentence for "harming national sentiment." Also sent to prison for "harming...