Israel Spring and Middle East's Order: The geopolitics of Democracy and Peace

Islamic Jihad's only success was cancelling the week 19 Tel Aviv pro-democracy demonstrations. Just add democracy before the resistance axis and you will discover the real war in the Middle East. Seemingly, democracy has to win here to prevail in the Middle East. Only democracy and dignity will achieve peace in the region, which is one region and will always be. So, it is one war with multiple battles. The war for democracy and freedom is pertaining to human dignity, so it can never be sectarian, ethnic or divisive. Rather, it is unifying, pluralistic, philanthropic and pacifying struggle. So, let us unify and pacify our Middle East with democracy, freedom and human rights, and let us start from a real democratic Israel. 

Here are my explanatory comments:

- Abolishing the judiciary's independence in Israel will put it under government's authority and eventually will turn it into a part of the executive authority, and this will definitely destroy Israel's democracy, especially in the absence of a constitution.

- In a significantly polarized divided society like the current situation in Israel, only a profound democracy can protect the various sects of the society and save the country's unity and peace.

- The absence of a true and profound democracy in Israel is the utmost threat and danger that will definitely and seriously threaten the Israel's very existence as a country. I do believe that the eventual existence of the country of Israel is dependent on its democratic system regardless of external threats or factors.

- Far-right incumbent Israeli government has opted for authoritarianism as a governance system for Israel, which will turn Israel into a traditional Middle Eastern state that are colonially-artificial authoritarian states. Although this may lead it to join the autocratic club of the region, and even may ironically get it admitted to the Arab League, it will put it in the same systematic deficiencies and flaws of the neighboring countries and get it infected with their intrinsic social, economic and security problems. Eventually, authoritarianism will make Israel extremely vulnerable to its regional adversaries and rivals seeking any opportunity to get it submitted to their influence in case it is not collapsed by internal dynamics. 

- Dictatorship is not sustainable per se. Post-colonial Arab and regional dictatorships can not survive on the long run with a rising number of challenges and various kinds of problems that include social, economic and security deficiencies. Arab spring is only an igniting start of major regional unrest and consequent domestic and geopolitical developments. Putting Israel on the wrong side and direction of history will inflict it with very serious consequences that it could not survive especially in this very regional challenging and threatening context and environment, in my opinion. 

- In geopolitics, Israel's real and profound democracy will have positive and promoting implications on the Middle East as regards democratization and human rights struggle. The victory of pro-democracy movement in Israel is a requisite for a geopolitical medium that is hospitable to regional democratic change in the future.

- Democratic change in the Middle East with a reliable human rights application and respect will change the traditional geopolitics in the region to less divisive boundaries and more integration through less protectionist nationalism and sectarian and/or ethnic intolerance to more regionalism and internationalism crossing over the lines and boundaries of sectarian and national division and conflict to some integrative complimentary regional order which enables and sustains peace and economic prosperity of the participatory regional countries.

- The aforementioned democratic transformation of the Middle East is the only ultimate solution or remedy for the region's persistent deficiencies, instability, extremism and violence.

Even that it is a very long road to this end, it always needs a start, and hopefully be a compelling and necessary start as the struggle to uphold democracy in the streets of Tel Aviv.

Stay tuned to my Twitter, Middle East Policy Blog, and NeoInternationalism website for the exciting developments in the region and world's politics.

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