Russian-North Korean Mutual Defense Pact and the West's Irrational Misconception

After a wide round over analyses and commentaries by Western experts and scholars as regards the mutual defense pact between Russia and North Korea, I started to get an insight into the underpinning mentality, which lays the foundations of the Western irrationality (and most probably hysteria given the Western support of a Neo-Nazi regime) over Russia and its operation in Ukraine. (I will write about the hysterical West and its abundance of politics for quite hysteria over Russia and its interests and national security in a future post).

Most of analysts refer to desperate Putin in his resort to the internationally-isolated regime of North Korea. No one even mentioned or cared about geopolitics, especially in Asian region, which is the playground of the forthcoming world watershed geopolitical war. The war in Europe and the wars in the Middle East are the introductory and preparatory measures for this grand war or at least conflict. 

Putin, who got a little bit surprised by the strongest and most comprehensive sanctions regime in the world's history and the military and financial reaction of the collective West over the Russian military operation in the Russian areas in the post-cold war delimited Ukraine, is definitely initiating his vengeance versus the US-led West. For him, it is time for the West to pay back in geopolitical terms. 

Putin wouldn't sign a military agreement to assist and supplement the Russian forces and their operation's needs in Ukraine, but instead of that he opted for a strategic mutual defense pact. This is a clear indication of the strategic goals of this policy, which obviously fall far behind the Ukraine issue. Meanwhile, this can be considered a one pillar of the forthcoming Russian punishment, which I believe to be intelligent as Russians themselves, non-hysterical, strategic and very significant. This surprising defense pact is a very good example of what to expect of Russian retribution. 

At last, I really should mind fellow Western experts to consider the significance of this pact as even of more importance than the military operation in the Russian territories in the former Ukraine. 

The Russian-North Korean mutual defense pact is definitely a Russian pursuit to reframe the international order and to modify the world's geopolitical balance. 

Stay tuned to my X account (formerly Twitter), Middle East Policy blog and NeoInternationalism website.

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