Syria Earthquake and its Political Seismic Reflection


As the dust clears from the scene of not just the one month earthquake, but most importantly of our 12-year persistent earthquake in Syria, the political earthquake should start soon by the always-abandoned Syrian people. 

Our desolation should serve as the seismic power for our prospective earthquake, which should shake the heinous world we are living in to attain our salvation. Our sisters and brothers who have been let under rubble for 5 days in Idlib and the countryside of Aleppo in the aftermath of February 6 earthquake while the world is watching the #White_Helmets digging the rubble almost with their bare hands to save a life, has opened the great wound of being, as a Syrian people, under rubble for about a 12 years. 

What happened in these 5 days only proves and affirms what happened and found out through that 12 years that we are a people with no friends including Turkey and its mercenaries in the illegitimate political and executive institutions and the so-called "national army" who literally let people die under rubble. Then, this is not the time to consider our sectarianism or political and ethnic divisions or how different we might be, but it is definitely the right time to realize our actual destiny as a people who is doomed unless unifiedly fights for its salvation and existence.


Syria, Under Rubble,

Nassim Yaziji 

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