Middle East Weekly Wire by POMED
These are some excerpts from the latest Weekly Wire by the Project on Middle East Democracy . November 26, 2007 Questioning the US Approach to Lebanon: Andrew Exum and POMED's director of advocacy, Stephen McInerney argue that the U.S. tendency to view Lebanon only " through the lens of confrontation with Iran " prevents effective, coherent policy toward Lebanon. Moreover, another pundit says that " the US position doesn't carry much weight with the Lebanese these days mostly because of its role in Israel's invasion last year, when American officials did little or nothing to stop the incursion." Also, according to one observer " Lebanon remains the one bright hope in the Bush administration's waning attempts to promote democracy in the Middle East," but "If the opposition prevails, then Syria and Iran will have gained extra regional leverage at the expense of the US losing its Levantine toehold." Others ask "Is this deadl...