Iraq and Lebanon: Ongoing Liberation

Iraq is undergoing a wave of deadly terrorist attacks caused hundreds of civilian casualties. I predicted that in my article posted here on December 17, 2005. I said, "At this point, (the success of the latest elections in Iraq with high and inclusive turnout) the final stake of the totalitarian and terrorist project on the exclusiveness and partiality of the Iraqi political system as a cover for the instability and violence in Iraq has failed. This will be a turning point in their destructive effort towards the chaotic and random violence against civilians".

It was easy to me to predict that given I have lived all my life in a totalitarian state. Hence, the totalitarian means, ways and tactics are well known to me and predictable too. We must not forget that jihadist terror is a one aspect of the totalitarianism and it may be included in the comprehensive totalitarian system and alliance of convenience. I would like to advise the Americans, specially those so-called antiwar, not to speculate a lot on the totalitarian tactics; ask the victims instead, they are more informed and accurate.

On something else, I think it is the first time the American administration gives a definition of the "victory" in Iraq. I consider that as positive and required and indicates an increasing statecraft in the administration's dealing with the situation in Iraq. President Bush in his address to the veterans of foreign wars on January 10, 2006 said, "Victory will come when the terrorists and Saddamists can no longer threaten Iraq's democracy. Victory will come when the Iraqi security forces can provide for the safety of their own citizens. Victory will come when Iraq is not a safe haven for terrorists to plot new attacks on our nation".

I have previously indicated in my article Defining the Iraqi Question the importance of providing a definition of the victory term in the war in Iraq. And in the same sense of the administration's definition I wrote, "the 'victory' is the establishment of the Iraqi democratic state. This is to say, the establishment of the functioning state institutions under democratic guarantees and foundations, and through a comprehensive and inclusive political process" stressing on the political process and indicating the Iraqis' role on security, "The violence is something familiar and somehow normal in the qualitative and historic changes in the political history. Building the first ever democracy in Iraq and the region in this comprehensive authoritarian environment is something could not be done in 20 months and smoothly. Nobody has expected that. Nevertheless, after establishing the state's new democratic political institutions, the security issue and its implications and requirements, including the political dues, is an Iraqi affair and is of the Iraqis' duties and responsibilities. Here the U.S. will just provide a supportive role inside Iraq and an essential role outside Iraq".

On Lebanese question, the secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has made an encouraging and necessary statement to the terrorized Lebanese people after the assassination of the journalist and Representative Gebran Tueni, a symbol of the Cedar Revolution and Lebanese freedom. I described the situation of Lebanon in an earlier post with term "the besieged Lebanon". The timing of this statement is excellent and simultaneous with regional move to restore the old Arab system, the system of pre-Iraq era, which I call the Middle East dictators' system. Just in vain, the freedom could not be stopped.

Here is the related information:

(Source: International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State.)

Rice Calls on Syria To Comply with U.N. Security Council Demands

Seeks Syrian cooperation with Hariri investigation, disarmament of Hizballah

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Syria to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions that it cooperate with the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and end its support of armed militias and terrorist groups inside Lebanon.

“Syria must cease obstructing the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and instead cooperate fully and unconditionally, as required by U.N. Security Council resolutions,” she said in a January 11 statement. “We intend to refer this matter back to the Security Council if Syrian obstruction continues.”

She also called on Syria to comply fully with the requirements of Resolution 1559, which included the disarmament and disbanding of Hizballah and other militias.

“Syria's continuing provision of arms and other support to Hizballah and Palestinian terrorist groups serves to destabilize Lebanon, makes possible terrorist attacks within Lebanon, from Lebanese territory, and impedes the full implementation of Security Council resolutions,” she said.

The secretary called on Syria to put an end to all of its interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon.

Following is the text of Rice’s statement:

(begin text)

Office of the Spokesman
January 11, 2006


Syria's Continuing Refusal to Comply with Security Council Resolutions

The United States has grave and continuing concerns about Syria's destabilizing behavior and sponsorship of terrorism. The Syrian regime is obligated to implement UN Security Council resolutions 1546, 1559, 1595, 1636, and 1644. It has failed to do so.

Syria must cease obstructing the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and instead cooperate fully and unconditionally, as required by UN Security Council resolutions. We call upon the Syrian regime to respond positively to the requests of UN Independent International Investigation (UNIIIC). We intend to refer this matter back to the Security Council if Syrian obstruction continues.

The United States stands firmly with the people of Lebanon in rejecting any deals or compromises that would undermine the UNIIC investigation, or relieve Syria of its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions. We are firmly committed to seeking justice and pursuing the investigation to its ultimate conclusion.

The United States also calls for the full implementation of all parts of UN Security Council resolution 1559, including the disarmament and disbanding of Hizballah and other militias. Syria's continuing provision of arms and other support to Hizballah and Palestinian terrorist groups serves to destabilize Lebanon, makes possible terrorist attacks within Lebanon, from Lebanese territory, and impedes the full implementation of Security Council resolutions.

As Resolution 1559 demands, Syria must once and for all end its interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon. Continuing assassinations in Lebanon of opponents of Syrian domination, including most recently the murder of journalist and Member of Parliament Gebran Tueni on December 12, 2005, create an atmosphere of fear that Syria uses to intimidate Lebanon. Syria must cease this intimidation and immediately come into compliance with all relevant Security Council resolutions.

(end text)

Related post: The International Community Unifies Over Political Crimes in the Middle East

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