The Middle East is Heading East: Ending the Western Era?

This may be the beginning of the end for the West's supremacy in the Middle East, especially for the United States. It is actually the harvest season for what the US policies has planted in the region, in particular the #Obama administrations' policies.

We can't understand the current developments in the Middle East without getting back to Obama's policies there. Obama was the ultimate sponsor of the region's terror organizations, especially #ISIS and #al-Qaeda, which controlled northern Iraq and the most of Syria during his terms, and in the same time he was also the ultimate supporter of the Iranian regime, which controlled four Arab countries and Gaza strip as they publicly claim. #Biden administration is staying the course of course. Now we know that this is a natural policies of the US #Democrats and expect these results from Democratic administrations by default. In general, they betray their values and norms, particularly the liberal democracy and human rights, and sell their allies for even the narrowest interests, as we suffered in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and as we saw in the infamous Iranian nuclear deal. 

It took some time for the US regional allies to realize these facts, but eventually they leaned the lesson and acted accordingly by welcoming the Chinese dragon in the US playground and strengthening relations with the Russian bear. They also acted, for the first time I guess, to safeguard their national interests by their oil production policies and independent position towards the war in Ukraine. 

Regional liberals also got the same lesson as well; trust the Western world in general and the US in particular and get besieged by some jihadi terrorists on one side and some Islamic revolutionary guards on the other side. In result, the free world policies were the most effective factors in the destruction of the nascent liberal movement in the Middle East. 

As we have seen, the Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia moved from facts comprehension to taking action by this strategic partnership with China and Russia. It is time for the Arab liberals to move to taking action by decoupling with the US-led Western camp and start to think and act realistically and intelligently building on their actual realities to restructure the liberal role and weight, and take part in the regional developments and future. 

To be continued... 

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