Gambling on the Warhead, Iran Gets the Requisite Missile

It seems that the mainstream media follows the course of their governments in their coverage of political and other related developments. As the US Democrat administrations with many other European governments usually incline to practically overlook the Iranian ballistic missile program and its deployment, the mainstream media also is impacted by this inclination. This is indicated by the light and deficient coverage of the recent Iran's unveiling of the fourth generation of its Khorramshahr ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 km (1,243 miles) and a 1,500 kg (3,300 lb) warhead as reported by the official IRNA news agency. 

Iran named it Khaybar in reference to famous Islamic anti-jewish battle alongside a replica of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the live broadcast of the state television. As usual, Iran directs its rhetoric against Israel and does not miss any show of its power in this regard . This is an official Iranian tradition and an essential pillar of the ideology of the Islamic revolution in Iran, which would not be possible without the actual support of the west, by the way.

Back to this development's importance, it is indispensable to mention that the ballistic program is an essential part of any nuclear armament program because the fact that the possession of the nuclear bomb is meaningless without the possession of its delivery means, which are definitely the ballistic missiles of reasonable accuracy and required range. This key information was broadly missed or overlooked by many media outlets in the coverage of this event. 

Iran has declared that it has the ballistic missile that can reach Israel and the entire Gulf region, and now the question is would it obtain the nuclear bomb? Regardless of the answer, Iran keeps proving that it is a competent Middle Eastern player. 

Stay tuned to my Twitter, Middle East Policy Blog, and NeoInternationalism website for the exciting developments in the region and world's politics.

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